Question Paper setting:
The question paper for mid-term and semester final examination will be set by the respective course teacher (s). The question paper has to be moderated by the Examination committee.
Moderation of question paper:
The respective question setter will submit their manuscripts in a sealed cover to the Convener of the examination committee at least 07 (seven) days before the commencement of the examination. The examination Committee will sit in a meeting and shall moderate the questions’ prepare the required number of copies of the question paper and will submit it to the controller of Examinations.
Supply of Examination Inputs:
The office of the Controller of Examinations will provide the Examination committee with logistics such as, question papers, blank answer scripts, attendance sheets, etc. The office of the registrar will provide the Committee with support staff and other relevant inputs.
Admit Card:
The students are to procure their admit cards at least 03 days before the scheduled examination and they are to show admit card in the examination hall. Admit cards will be issued only to those have cleared their dues.
Evaluation of Answer scripts:
The respective faculty member will complete evaluation of the answer scripts within 7 days of completion of any examination and will submit the result sheet to the convener of the examination along with the answer scripts.
Examination Result:
The result of the Examination will be published in letter Grade and Grade Point. No numerical score will be given to the students (s) either in the result sheet or in the transcript. The office of the Controller of Examination will published of semester final Examination on the recommendation of the Examination Committee and taking approval
of the Vice Chancellor.
Re-scrutiny of Answer Scripts:
Students Can apply to the Controller of Examinations for re-scurry of their answer scripts with payment of a fee of Tk. 500.00 (Five hundred) only per course. The application for such re-scrutiny has to be made within 10 (Ten) days form the publication of the result. The controller will make necessary to cheek the possible arithmetical error in the answer
script, score sheet and will declare the revised result.
Re-taking of Courses:
If any student secures F grade in any course or does not appear in any couse in the mid-term or semester final examination he/she will be treated as failed in that course. In that case, he/she is to re-take the course (s) with the following batch. In these circumstances the students (s) is to pay a re-take fee of Tk.
2000/- (Two thousand) only.
Promotion to the following Semester:
A student passing in all the courses taken in a semester will move on to the nest semester. But any student who fails/drops in more than one course of a running semester will not be allowed to attend in the subsequent semester. In that case, the student is to complete the failed/ dropped courses first along with the
preceding batch.